
The year is 2235....

Welcome to AAcme Steampunk City, the year is 2235.  We are a group of scientists and builders. We are quirky and work restlessly against the Evil minion robots under the control of Zerika Jinng, a rogue robot (created by AAcme Fall at the height of the petroleum wars).  He holds the key to unlocking our future, but no one can get near him. He is well guarded by the Krinzang robot army that police AAcme City.  Beware of them. They may capture you and toss you in their prisons to rot away with the rats.

Since the depletion of petroleum and the rise of the Krinzang we all live in constant fear of being destroyed by the Krinzang or our own madness.   The battle for control and to repopulate our city is a continuous struggle, but we will not give up.  Our knowledge and belief in a better future for ourselves and our children keep us strong. 

We have for now found an alternative source of energy in steam.  Our resources are few but our scientists are clever.  Looking for ways to create steam to power machines and crafts that aide us in our day to day lives and escape the ever patrolling Krinzang, has become a way of life. 

((If you wish to live in AAcme City and role play with us we offer residential as well as commercial areas available for rent. For further information, please contact Mayor AAcme Fall or City Administrator Sunbeam Magic or Harbor Master Duderz "The Dude" Lebowski @ INWORLDZ  http://inworldz.com/   ))